ED&I Lunch and Learn: The Power of Experiential Learning and Cultural Immersion


11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., Sept. 30, 2022

ED&I Lunch and Learn


This lunch and learn focuses on the practical application of experiential learning and cultural immersion, which can enable us to achieve our ED&I goals and cultivate a culturally aware and responsive environment.

Read: Experiential Learning Through Cultural Immersion

With the ever-changing cultural makeup of society, the ability to deliver culturally responsive healthcare is essential. An educational method aimed at increasing cultural knowledge and sensitivity in the education of healthcare professionals is experiential learning and cultural immersion, which creates opportunities for transformational learning through direct interactions with culturally diverse populations. The reading below allows use to review how cultural immersion experiences may help advance EDI.


Watch: What’s wrong with volunteer travel?: Daniela Papi at TEDxOxbridge by Daniela Papi

Daniela spent six years living in Cambodia where she founded PEPY, a youth leadership and education organization, and PEPY Tours, a development education travel company. PEPY Tours, which started as a "voluntourism" organization, is now a leading advocate in the shift from service to learning travel and Daniela blogs frequently about this and other topics through her blog, "Lessons I Learned".

Daniela Papi is the founder of PEPY, a Cambodian youth leadership organization, and PEPY Tours, a development education travel company, and is currently a Skoll Scholar at Oxford's Said Business School.


Read Black Students Must Experience Black Life Outside of the U.S, frame your reflection on the EDI lunch, and Learn and Watch/Listen to materials.

In addition to, or instead of using poetry as a framework for your reflection, respond to the following prompts:

  • What issues were raised in the reading, watching, and listening materials?
  • What barriers exist for students to participate in experiences like initial learning and cultural immersion?
  • How do experiential learning and cultural immersion enable critical thinking about these topics?
  • How can a cultural experiential learning experience be beneficial to the development of our nursing students?


Join September 30th on Zoom at 11:30 am from 1 pm to learn from Jose’s experience in the UArizona Cultural & Inclusive Experiential Learning Opportunities (CIELO)​ trip to Bali

Join Zoom Meeting: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/83091402353?from=addon