Where? College of Nursing Rm. 117 and Zoom (link below)
Hosted by Dr. Noshene Ranjbar, M.D., Director, Integrative Psychiatry Program
We are resilient people, living and managing best we can, at times through extremely challenging circumstances. Still, ongoing stress and trauma can impact health, relationships, and careers; and news traumas can invite us to visit the impact of earlier ones.
Please join us for an introductory workshop where we will each have an opportunity to explore these themes. The workshop will incorporate evidence-based breathing, grounding, as well as more active techniques, utililizing concepts around transformation of trauma utilizing mind-body medicine.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81325428960?pwd=TXoxYXlpMkNRMkF5aU5QSlpCc0ZCQT09&from=addon