Faculty Candidate Presentation: Leila Samsam, DNP, FNP-B


8 a.m., July 21, 2023

Faculty Candidate Presentation: Leila Samsam, DNP, FNP-B

Family Nurse Practitioner, SPARCC Sports Medicine, Tucson, AZ

July 21, 2023 | 8:00 AM | Zoom only

“Mental Health Considerations in the mTBI Population”

Leila is a board-certified nurse practitioner at SPARCC Sports Medicine. She specializes in complex concussion care for all ages and is involved in ongoing research with an interest in how childhood trauma affects concussion recovery. She serves as a preceptor for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students. Additionally, she takes part in outreach work at local high schools and advocates for improving mental health awareness in youth.

Leila started her career as a critical care nurse, where she served as the unit council president and was a designated preceptor for new hires. As a supervisor of the Maternal Newborn Unit, she fostered the growth and development of her staff and led numerous projects aimed at improving unit workflow and performance. Leila was recruited into Sutter Health’s team of management consultants, where she coached and educated hospital executives and leadership throughout the organization to help streamline processes, improve quality and performance, and resolve systemic issues preventing growth. During this time, she developed a practical problem-solving course that was adopted into the curriculum for leadership development. Leila later received her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree at the University of Arizona.

This presentation will discuss how various mental health conditions affect concussion recovery.

Zoom link is available for this event. Link will be active on the day of the presentation: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/81369238158?pwd=cGtUclJUQUtrZHFjQnhXVWRPcnFvQT09#success

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