Faculty Candidate Presentation: Deborah Gorombei DNP, APRN, FNP-C, CNS, CFRN, LNCC


8 a.m., July 20, 2023

Faculty Candidate Presentation: Deborah Gorombei DNP, APRN, FNP-C, CNS, CFRN, LNCC

Deborah Gorombei DNP, APRN, FNP-C, CNS, CFRN, LNCC University of Arizona College of Nursing - Assistant Clinical Professor Master of Science Entry to the Profession of Nursing (MEPN) Program – Gilbert Campus Integrative Nursing Fellow

| Family Nurse Practitioner July 20, 2023 | 8:00 AM | Zoom only “Caring Framework Applications: Inspiring Collaborative and Innovative Environments for Teaching, Healthcare, and Program Outcomes”

Dr. Deborah Gorombei is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-BC) and currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Master of Science Entry to the Profession of Nursing (MEPN) Program – Gilbert Campus. As a nurse practitioner, Dr. Gorombei works in the mobile setting with patients who have complex medical needs with chronic non-healing wounds, and by telehealth for patients who are discharged from the hospital and require additional provider-level care. Dr. Gorombei obtained her BSN at Loyola University-Chicago and an MS in Nursing with a critical care CNS focus at Purdue University-Calumet. She earned her DNP in Innovation Leadership and her FNP certificate through Arizona State University. Dr. Gorombei’s clinical experience includes adult and pediatric emergency departments, flight nursing (OB, peds, adult), intensive care units, consulting, and office practice. In her current FNP position, she was recognized early for her ability to uphold standards for evidence-based practice and teach fellow nurse practitioners. She precepts FNP students (clinicals and DNP project), orients new hire nurse practitioners and participates in training and onboarding endeavors. Since 2009, Dr. Gorombei has been in academia. She was an adjunct instructor for an accelerated BSN program and is current faculty for the University of Arizona MEPN program. She began her graduate teaching career by helping launch the (then Phoenix) MEPN site as faculty, Program Coordinator, and Placement Coordinator from 2012 to 2019. She has taught didactic in-person and online. She has experience in skills labs, clinical specialty rotations across the lifespan, and developing and ‘driving’ simulations. Her passion for Nursing education, start-up and expanding health-related organizations fuels her drive for continuous scholarship activities. She is known for her ‘outside the box’ thinking and valuing the strength of innovative educational teams. She inspires nursing students to develop assessment skills and analyze data for clinical decision making to increase the quality of care delivery. Dr. Gorombei supports the CON strategic plan pillars of Research and Scholarship, Teaching and Learning, and Service Through Collaboration and Partnerships. She recently participated in the Quality Matters clinic for a course she co-chairs and is active on several workgroups including the Practice Ready Program Outcomes committee. Dr. Gorombei will present her clinical and academic experience, teaching philosophies, as well as the utility of adapting caring frameworks for optimal student, faculty and healthcare interactions.

Zoom link is available for this event. Link will be active on the day of the presentation: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/84025536446?pwd=SVFmS0JEZkpNbnpBdkducEU5YnFxZz09

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