Karen Butterbaugh

I have been a registered nurse since 1991 with a concentration in women’s health and obstetrics. I completed my advanced education journey with a BSN in 2010 and MSN in 2011. I worked at Arizona State University as a clinical assistant professor but changed my faculty position to University of Arizona (U of A) as a Senior Lecturer in the Masters’ Entry to the Practice of Nursing (MEPN) in April 2017. I am certified in Inpatient-Obstetrics since 2006 but aspire to be certified in nursing education. I will accomplish this in 2019. I am also experienced in medical-surgical, women’s health, and fundamentals nursing. I am actively involved in interprofessional education, developing innovative student learning resources, several university committees, and volunteer activities. I am a member of American Nurses Association (ANA), Arizona Nurses’ Association (AzNA), and Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nursing (AWHONN). I am actively involved in my memberships and am the chair of the annual AzNA conference poster presentations.
- M.S.N. Nursing, University of Phoenix, 2011
- B.S.N. Nursing, Grand Canyon University, 2010
- Diploma of Health Sciences Nursing, St. Clair College, 1991