Kristie Hoch

Associate Clinical Professor
Program Administrator
Kristie Hoch

PO Box 210203
Tucson, Arizona 85721

Dr. Kristie Hoch, DNP, CRNA, MS, RRT, FAANA is the Program Administrator for the University of Arizona's DNP-Nurse Anesthesiology program. She chose to become a CRNA after serving with them in Desert Storm. Kristie has years of experience as a CRNA in every practice model and setting, to include office based, critical access, academic teaching hospital and trauma centers. She has served as the Rural Facilities Director and Recruiter for an all CRNA company prior to becoming an educator. She chose to become an educator to influence the future of the profession she loves by ensuring students are prepared to provide anesthesia autonomously and by incorporating evidence-based practice. She is a strong advocate for CRNAs. She has served in state, regional and national positions in Nurse Anesthesiology. 


  • DNP Nursing, Chatham University, 2016
  • M.S. Nurse Anesthesia, University of Kansas, 2004
  • B.S.N. Nursing, Creighton University, 2000
  • B.A.Sc. Allied Health, Doane College, 1999
  • A.A.S. Respiratory Care, Southeast Community College, 1989