Lois J Loescher

My passion is the study of cancer risk reduction, prevention and control behaviors, with a focus on skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the US; early detection of cutaneous lesions is paramount for increasing survival and reducing morbidity. My research concepts of interest are risk perception, risk communication and risk reduction; cancer worry; self-efficacy and personal control; and technology acceptance. I have received funding for my research from the NIH, private foundations, and through collaborations with Queensland (AU) University of Technology. My research involves UA multidisciplinary teams comprised of co-investigators from the Colleges of Nursing, Public Health, Medicine, and Engineering, as well as Bio5 and Dermatology. I also am an active member of a research team in Australia. Strengths of my research include: (1) A focus on skin cancer lesion identification by healthcare providers not typically studied, such as primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and massage therapists, as well as by high-risk patients; (2) Use of novel technology as interventions, e.g., mobile teledermoscopy (smartphone+app+dermoscopy attachment), internet-delivered video, to improve skin lesion diagnosis and increase provider and patient self-efficacy; (3) Targeting of skin cancer prevention behaviors in understudiedpopulations such as Hispanic adolescents and vulnerable skin cancer high-risk populations such as solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR); (4) Evaluating training of health sciences students, and testing novel skin cancer information delivery methods in middle and high school students. My research uses quantitative methods (survey and instrument development), qualitative methods (focus groups, qualitative description) and mixed methods. As part of my joint appointment in the College of Public Health, I have developed and evaluated skin cancer prevention hybrid training for health sciences students. As a longstanding member of the UA Cancer Center, I have several years of experience developing and evaluating public and professional outreach education programs. I have been a productive member of the Skin Cancer Institute since its inception, contributing to grant submission proposals, outreach, and dissemination.
- Post doctoral Cancer Prevention and Control, National Institutes of Health, 2003
- Ph.D. Nursing, The University of Arizona, 2001
- M.S.N. Nursing, The University of Arizona, 1980
- B.S.N. Nursing, The University of Wisconsin, 1974