Entry Program Information Sessions

Entry Program Information Sessions

Do you want to be a UA Wildcat nurse?


Nursing Information Sessions

Ideal for students first figuring out how to get into Nursing, and required as part of a major change into Pre-Nursing.

Information sessions will cover information about our pre-licensure programs including Pre-Professional Nursing major, an undergraduate major that prepares students for professional admission to our Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Master's Entry to the Profession of Nursing (MEPN) programs. This session is intended for students who are exploring nursing options and have not completed their prerequisite courses for professional admission to our BSN or MEPN program. 

PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19, the upcoming information sessions will be held virtually through Zoom. Please register for a session so that we may have your email to send out the zoom link.

Application Academies

Ideal for students who are ready to apply and want more information on statistics, details on the application process, or a final check in before submitting their application for the professional BSN or MEPN program.

Applicants are encouraged to have poked around in the application prior, but we will do an overview of the application as well.

Attendance is not required for program admission, and attendance has no impact on an applicant's admission status. We offer this only to be helpful. 

PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID-19, the upcoming information sessions will be held virtually through Zoom. Please register for a session so that we may have your email to send out the zoom link.


Are you a current UA student, wanting to change your major to Nursing?

If you are currently a UA student and wish to change your major to Pre-Nursing, please attend an Information Session. Interested students are required to attend these workshops to determine if they are eligible to change their major. Professional admissions information and requirements will also be covered in this session. Eligibility requirements to declare the major are listed online at our Pre-Professional Nursing page.

For more information contact:

Office of Student Support & Community Engagement
College of Nursing, Room 112
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
520-626-3808 or 1-800-288-6158