SILC Scheduling

SILC Tucson is now using Astra Scheduling. It is used at UAHS Tucson and Phoenix as well as UA Main. Astra Scheduling is a robust tool that will provide a more modern interface, greater reporting power, and a centralized record system. If you have difficulty accessing Astra Scheduling, please contact the UAHS Scheduling team at

SILC Tucson’s previous scheduling system, developed by College of Nursing Learning and Healthcare Technology Innovations (LHTI) will be retired on October 15, 2019. Please export all prior requests from the old system before that time to retain them for reference. Access the previous system here using your College of Nursing login credentials:

Access SILC Scheduling


Contact UAHS Scheduling for Support

Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, excluding University holidays.