Desire2Learn (D2L)


D2L (Desire2Learn) provides instructors and students with an online space for traditional classroom, online, or hybrid courses.  Instructors and students can use D2L for:

  • Course syllabi
  • Readings
  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Grades
  • Course files
  • Classmate lists
  • Assignment dropboxes
  • Online discussions

Tools such as Examity, Panopto, and Zoom are also accessible through D2L.

Learn More

Getting Started

Access D2L

FAQs for Students

There can be a number of reasons that your course does not appear in D2L.

  1. Always check UAccess to make sure that you are enrolled at the UA (or have not been dropped from the course).
  2. Most courses are hidden until the first day of classes. If you have questions about the course, please contact the instructor or wait for the course to open.
  3. You can collapse the semester heading by clicking on it, causing your courses to "disappear". Please make sure you semester has been expanded. 
  4. If other members of the course can see it, but you still do not have access, please contact us at and we will make sure you get into your course.

FAQs for Instructors

To create a link to an article from AHSL follow the attached instructions.

Creating AHSL Link

See the Other Tools D2L help page.

You can also access help from the D2L Home Page by clicking the link on the tool bar.

See the Instructor: Teaching Team Enrollments D2L help page.

If you have questions or need any help, please email us at

Request a D2L course site by completing the Request a Course Site form. For additional instructions, see the Request your D2L Course Site(s) using CSR D2L help page. Instructors must request a course site for each class they intend to teach in a particular semester. Sites will be ready within 24 hours.

To learn how to access and use D2L Templates, take this interactive online tutorial: Give Your Course a Makeover with D2L Nursing Templates (Storyline).

Or, follow the instructions contained in the two resource PDFs linked below:

For additional help using these D2L Templates, contact



UArizona faculty, students, and staff can access D2L.


There is no cost to use D2L.