Sandra Kirkpatrick

I am current Principal Lecturer at the University of Arizona BSN-IH Gilbert. I have, previously resided as, faculty at Arizona State University since 2006 and my prior position was Clinical Assistant Professor in the Veterans Administration Nursing Academic Partnership (VANAP) since Fall 2013. I have vast experiences in both didactic and clinical coordination.
My experience includes Fundamentals, Adult Health, Mental Health, Community, and Immersion and Leadership. I have instructed in Traditional Prelicensure, Post Baccalaureate, and the RN-BSN programs congruently.
My current University of Arizona responsibilities include:
Fall 2019 Level 1 Lead Faculty NURS 370 and NURS 371, both didactic and skills lab.
MY CV is attached to highlight Work Experience
- M.S.N. Nursing, University of Phoenix, 2005