College Offices & Centers
Student & Academic Affairs
The Office of Student & Academic Affairs (OSAA) provides support services to students, continuing education to advancing practitioners, and engages the local Tucson community in regards to integrative health and wellbeing.
Research & Scholarship
The Office of Research & Scholarship (ORS) coordinates the research efforts of faculty and students.
Learning & Healthcare Technology Innovations
The Office of Learning & Healthcare Technology Innovations (LHTI) provides information technology support and instructional design services to faculty, staff, and students.
Steele Innovative Learning Center
The Steele Innovative Learning Center (SILC) is a safe environment for acquiring, rehearsing and perfecting skills needed in clinical nursing practice.
Marketing & Communications
The Marketing & Communications team works to advance the brand and identity of the College as well as communicate to the public the many tremendous discoveries and innovations being made by faculty, staff, and students.
Finance & Human Resources
The Business Office provides financial and accounting services while also coordinating personnel affairs and human resource operations.