Sally J Reel

Adjunct Instructor

I am a doctorally prepared, American Nurse Credentialing Center board-certified family nurse practitioner. I hold RN and advanced practice licenses in the states of Arizona and West Virginia. My professional background and scholarship is primarily focused on health professions workforce development and health services for rural and urban medically underserved populations. I have extensive experience and funding to develop and implement nurse workforce (family nurse practitioner; acute care nurse practitioner; Doctor of Nursing Practice; nurse faculty development; and rural health substantive focus for PhD and graduate nursing education particularly with emphasis on rural/underserved populations). From 2003 to current term, I have secured funded for the nurse practitioner programs expanded these from approximately 36 students in 2003 when I was Director to over 250+ DNP students today. Training grants supported transitioning from a master’s NP program to a Doctor of Nursing Practice program; expanded to include an acute care NP program; transitioned from a face-to-face program to state-of-the art online programs; implemented a nurse faculty training program for PhD and DNP students through the federal Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP); and implemented a primary care traineeship for family nurse practitioner DNP students who are diverse and/or practicing among rural and underserved populations. I also have significant experience with workforce development among the disciplines of medicine, pharmacy and public health, particularly as related to developing the rural health workforce including undergraduate and graduate medical education; graduate and postgraduate pharmacy education; graduate public health education from those years I directed the Arizona Area Health Education Centers (also federally funded and supported by the Arizona Lottery program). I also have extensive experience with interprofessional education and served as the Associate VP for Interprofessional Education from 2014-2018.