Behavioral/Applied Clinical Sciences Laboratory

Behavioral/Applied Clinical Sciences Laboratory

The Behavioral/Applied Clinical Sciences Laboratory consists of designated space for faculty and graduate students to conduct clinical research involving human subjects. There are rooms to conduct research protocols as well as a room for large group meetings.

The Behavioral/Applied Clinical Sciences Laboratory includes:

•    A large, state-of-the-art conference room for group meetings and conferences
•    A clinical measurement room to conduct research protocols
•    Offices for research staff, a room with twelve computer stations, and a room with six computer stations
•    A waiting area for study participants


Contact the Office of Research & Scholarship at for access to the Behavioral/Applied Clinical Sciences Laboratory. Evidence of human subjects approved and required training are needed for access.

Training Requirements

  • All personnel requesting access to the Behavioral/Applied Clinical Sciences Laboratory are required to maintain current CITI Training, COI Training and HIPAA Training.
  • If the researcher is using blood or body fluids or other potentially infectious material in their research, Bloodborne Pathogen/Infection Control Training must be completed.  
  • Upon completion of all training, either email or give hard copies of all certificates to the Office of Research & Scholarship.