Maribeth Slebodnik, BSN, MLS
Maribeth Slebodnik, BSN, MLS, is an Associate Librarian with the Arizona Health Sciences Library and the Library Liaison to the College of Nursing. No matter where you are located, she is the first point of contact for help with any library resources.
To get started, check out the Nursing Resources LibGuide.
Literature Search
If you would like help with literature searches for your assignments, research projects or publications, please contact Maribeth(link sends e-mail). Here is some background information about research skills to get you started:
Choosing a Database
Information about important databases to help you choose where to start your literature search If you are not sure what subject headings or document types are, please contact Maribeth(link sends e-mail).
EndNote is a citation management software tool for writing and citing your research.
Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL)
Health Sciences Library - Tucson
1501 N. Campbell Avenue
PO Box 245079
Tucson, AZ 85724-5079
(520) 626-6125
Health Sciences Library - Phoenix
Health Sciences Education Building (HSEB), 3rd Floor
435 N. 5th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 827-2062
Contact Information
Maribeth Slebodnik, BSN, MLS
University of Arizona College of Nursing
1305 N Martin Ave, Rm 321
(520) 626-7431
The CON Librarian is available to students and faculty at the University of Arizona College of Nursing.
There is no cost to utilize services or resources provided by the CON Librarian.
Service Provider
The CON Librarian is part of the Arizona Health Sciences Library.