Proposal Submission Process Flowchart
Planning to submit a grant proposal? Review this flowchart to understand what forms and processes you should account for as you plan your proposal.
Intent to Submit Form Process
The Intent to Submit (ITS) form is used to inform the College of all upcoming intramural and extramural proposal submissions. It is also used to notify UAHS Preaward of upcoming all extramural proposal submissions.
It is very important that all faculty submit an ITS form. You must submit an ITS form if you are PI or site PI in the CON or a Co-I on a grant that does not originate in the CON.
The College will not approve any applications in UAR without an Intent to Submit form.
3 Reasons for submitting an ITS form:
- To get on the UAHS Preaward calendar so that they can assist you with your submission.
- Each application commits the College to provide resources. The College wants to make sure that each PI will receive adequate resources to carry out their proposed project, and that PIs are not expecting resources that the College cannot commit.
- The College also needs to know about all applications so that we may advocate for the proper credit and F&A split for our faculty.
Please follow these simple procedures:
Intramural Submissions
- Intent to Submit form should be emailed to CON-ORS@arizona.edu as soon as you decide to submit an intramural application
- If you change your mind about submitting or change the submission date, please let us know.
- We will send a copy of your ITS to the Division Chairs
Extramural Submissions
- Intent to Submit form should be emailed to both CON-ORS@arizona.edu and Preaward@arizona.edu as soon as you decide to submit an extramural application, at least 6-8 weeks prior to your submission deadline*.
- If you change your mind about submitting or change the submission date, please let us know.
*Exceptions for funding opportunities with short turnaround from original posting.
Intent to Submit (ITS) Form
Use this form to provide an indication of the timeline for your grant application.
If you are a co-investigator on a proposal where the PI is in another unit, please send an email to CON-ORS@arizona.edu indicating the title of the proposal, the PI’s name, and your FTE on the proposed project.
Aims and Budget Review Process
All budgets must be approved by the Associate Dean for Research or the Dean of the College of Nursing prior to submission.
All intramural and extramural proposals and budgets are required to be reviewed and approved early in the development process by the Associate Dean for Research. This review assures that the proposed project aligns with the College of Nursing strategic plan and that the necessary resources are available for the proposed project.
Please consult with the Associate Dean for Research before writing your entire grant proposal. This will assure that you do not “waste” time writing a proposal that will not be approved for submission.
Scientific Review Process
We highly encourage all proposal teams to arrange for a scientific review of your proposal prior to submission. There is evidence that shows proposals reviewed by external reviewers are ~35% more likely to be funded than those not reviewed by someone outside the research team. The College of Nursing (CON) and the Office of Research & Scholarship (ORS) want to support PIs to produce the most competitive applications.
Therefore, all extramural proposals must receive some type of review (unless there are extenuating circumstances). Please see the following processes:
- Proposals can be reviewed by anyone identified by the PI. It does not have to be internal to the CON. Reviewers can be within the CON, at the UA, and/or outside the UA.
- Reviewers should be experienced faculty with expertise in the subject area or in proposal development. If you would like, ORS can help to identify potential reviewers.
- The names of the reviewers must be submitted to the ORS who will facilitate the process.
- The College will pay for reviews done by experts outside the University of Arizona if coordinated through ORS. The ORS will coordinate payment.
- ORS will submit the final draft of your completed application to your reviewers.
- Documentation of the completed review will be archived in the ORS prior to final submission.
- There are exceptions to the external review process. Examples: you are under a tight deadline due to a funding opportunity with a short turnaround time; you are working with RDI and they are coordinating your application review. If this is the case, you just need to discuss with your Division Chair and the Associate Dean for Research to get approval for an exception.
All PIs must arrange for scientific review (or obtain approval for no scientific review) through the ORS. Applications not going through this process will not be approved by the College.
We encourage intramural proposals to receive an internal review of their final application prior to submission through the ORS.