Arizona Nursing Career Apex Transitions (ANCAT) Project

The overall goal of the Arizona Nursing Career Apex Transitions (ANCAT) project is to increase the number of students from backgrounds considered to be underrepresented in nursing graduate from the University of Arizona College of Nursing. These scholars are mentored and trained to deliver inclusive, high-quality care with enhanced skills to meet the needs of diverse populations.

The ANCAT project provides a comprehensive wraparound approach to strengthening nursing workforce diversity by:

Attracting and admitting, using holistic criteria, higher numbers of students with backgrounds underrepresented in nursing.

Co-create paths to nursing degrees at the University of Arizona College of Nursing with academic and practice partners

Identify sociocultural strengths and tailored needs for academic success through proactive mentoring and coaching

Facilitate clinical service-learning immersion to cultive skills needed to administer inclusive care for high need communities

Cultivate a climate of Inclusive Excellence at the University of Arizona College of Nursing

ANIE – Expand and implement a supportive program co-curricular with the formal degree curriculum that will ensure retention and inclusive personal, academic and professional success of UR students
Learn more on ANIE